Large Round White Throw Rope Rug White 28" Diameter

Image of Large Round White Throw Rope Rug White 28" Diameter

$119.95 - On Sale

Please allow up to 2-4 weeks for any rug to ship. I love making these rugs so please contact me if you like this rug and want in a certain color or size.

We recycle all the line and rope that was left on our property on Kodiak Island as well as when we find it on the beaches. We live at a decommissioned cannery that is about a 100 years old and love putting love back into things that have otherwise been forgotten.
This rug can be used literally anywhere and is a great throw rug for a bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.

28 inches in diameter
please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or custom ideas.... lease allow up to two weeks for any rug to ship. I love making these rugs so please contact me if you like this rug and want in a certain color or size.